Ailsa Mullins

coach. boxer. hot girl.

I started coaching to try to plug a very obvious gap I saw in the fitness industry: one size does not fit all.

As someone who suffers from endometriosis and adenomyosis, my relationship with training and my body was complicated. I felt I was constantly ‘failing’ or needing to start fresh, or if I could just fix this one thing… The constant, ‘NO DAYS OFF’, restrictive behaviours and the notion that exercise was a form of punishment for your body left me feeling cold.

Then I found boxing. I started to focus on what my body could do. My training changed to how I could feel stronger, faster, fitter.

And that’s what I wanted to bring to coaching.

You don’t have to box, you don’t have to run. You find the movement that you love. You find a way to move your body for the joy, rather than the chore. You take the focus away from restrictive diets and disordered eating, and you understand the fuel your body needs. There will be days you fly, days you rest, days you stumble & get back up. But I’m here to help navigate each of those steps and days. You discover all the amazing things you can do; run, box, jump, swim, lift - the list is endless.

Most importantly, you find the fun.